Day 29: Enemy AI done.

Jhon Vergel
2 min readDec 30, 2020

Today i finished the AI for the enemies, after some debugging and a unity crash i was able to get the code running but… not doing what i wanted, so i got back to the logic and found a variable i and variable j was declared but only used the variable i and not the j, since i wanted to move in the two that caused a weird result. Anyway more time that i am willing to accept was wasted, i found that error and was able to correct it.

Well that was all gamedev i was able to do today. Since i need to eat, and also like other areas, i started new course in the IMB certificartion for data science, this was focused on python for data science, i have been using python for the last 4 years, and in the last year i have used python for data science so there is no problem there, but since is a topic i already master i am speedrunning it to get back to focus on the gamedev stuff all day long.

Finaly, i want to talk about my experience so far with GameDevHQ. I have coursed 5 years of uni doing my physics degree, i have done multiple courses in coursera, udemy and tutorials from youtube and i have to say, the courses on GameDevHQ are on the top rigth besides my professor of particle physics. the teachings are on point, the challenges are usefull to sement the knowledge and the information is not spoonfeed, i really like the style and im seeing the result alredy in this almost month of journey, i am happy with the progress and the purchase.



Jhon Vergel

Physicist passionate about AI, ML and game development. Embarking on a mission of learning Unity (specially XR), to do simulations and serious games for teachin