Day 1: A year of GameDev, Data Science, AI,Physics, VR, Simulations and much more…

Jhon Vergel
2 min readJan 2, 2021

First day of the year was tough on productivity but some code was done regarding SQL and C# for Unity.

Lets hope this 100 days translate to the whole year. My goal is to learn,reinforce or master, a new thing every day, not just for this year and since im doing things that i love, its as they say “Do what you love, and you’ll never work another day in your life”. This is not true always and its ok to get tired with a monotonous work, even if you love the area, but i think its a good start to at least like the career path you choose.

So for this 2021 i will focus on doing something interesting every day, a new challenge every now and then to keep things fresh and never stop learning. I guess some people could use the expression “Jack of all trades, master of none”, on someone like me, but i think in this ever changing and fast world is better to be a generalist that can adapt to new situations than a specialist that can get left behind with the ever changing tides of the moder world. In the end i’m sure there is value to both profiles, but in a world full of wonder in all areas, and all the synergys between all the fields. I think all its connected to the end, in a quantum deterministic sense ( if that even means what i think it means), all arises from the natural and most simple rules of the universe, the simple things such as elemental particles and the fundamental interactions, create all the complex systems that we see, so every thing is connected in one way or the other.

That is why i rather be a Jack of all trades, the world is changing fast and i find almost any field interesting, one can never know how a different area unexplored can be revolutionized with the knowledge from another completely different area, i dont pretend to learn all the things that can be learned with my limited life, but i wont close myself to fall in a rabbit hole, such as a famous one like The family that couldn’t sleep, the math behind music,how humans came to dominate the Earth… The thing is that i find fascinating to learn, explore and relate different topics together. I will keep focusing on my passion in how data can describe phenomena, and how to teach, tell a story and make art using videogames. While also exploring the universe around, and get that feel of wonder.

HAPPY 2021!!!!



Jhon Vergel

Physicist passionate about AI, ML and game development. Embarking on a mission of learning Unity (specially XR), to do simulations and serious games for teachin